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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Sustainable Eco Packaging

Written by Esme Bense | Apr 6, 2022 8:15:00 AM

Image source: Unsplash

Packaging has become so much more than a vessel to carry your product. It provides the first impression of a product and can be one of the strongest determining factors when it comes to purchasing. In fact, one third of customers base their purchasing decisions on packaging alone. In a competitive market where - customers are often pressed to make a decision, it is often times the way an item is packaged that either attracts or detracts the customer’s attention. 

If done correctly, packaging can be a great way to showcase your product and what you stand for as a brand, not only with what is presented on it in the form of words and graphics, but also by your choice of materials.

What is eco packaging?

With the rise in global-warming awareness, it’s no surprise that customers are expecting environmentally friendly packaging from the companies they buy from. As much as 67% of consumers believe it is important for the products they buy to be in eco-friendly packaging. 

But despite all the hype surrounding eco-friendly packaging, you may still be wondering what it is. Well, by definition, it should be recyclable, safe for the environment (i.e. made of materials that won’t pollute the earth or contribute to greenhouse-gas emissions from its manufacturing process). In essence, sustainable eco-friendly packaging aims to:

  • Lessen the impact of manufacturing on the environment
  • Reduce the amount of packaging used for a product
  • Provide packaging that is renewable or reusable and easily recyclable 

5 Reasons your business needs sustainable eco packaging

1. It improves your brand’s image

Switching to sustainable packaging can improve a brand’s image. Eco-friendly packaging is one of the most visual ways you can demonstrate your commitment to protecting the environment. When customers are made aware that a brand is using sustainable resources, they perceive the brand as one that is responsible and cares about the planet. As a result of changing to sustainable packaging, brands could end up attracting a larger customer base. 

Mielie Mailer is a great local example of what this can look like: 

Image source: @mieliemailer

The fact is, people like to support companies that are making a positive impact. Nowadays. With global warming on everyone’s minds, consumers are more aware of the negative environmental impact of buying products in too much plastic packaging. In fact, one third of consumers choose to purchase from a brand that they believe is doing good for the environment.


2. Reduces your company’s carbon footprint 

Eco-friendly packaging is not only better for the environment in terms of creating less waste, but it also reduces your company’s carbon footprint. It does this because it’s usually made from recycled waste materials, which means fewer resources are consumed in the manufacturing process. 

Additionally, if your brand’s packaging is lightweight and flexible (meaning it can be folded out for shipment), more products can be transported at a time, thereby reducing the need for extra fossil fuels needed to get your products from warehouse to stores. According to the Flexible Packaging Association, flexible materials produce 75% fewer carbon emissions than the next closest packaging option. 


3. Reduces costs 

As mentioned above, when you use lightweight eco-friendly packaging, you are reducing the amount of raw materials being used. Transport costs are reduced as well because less packing materials means less transport needed to get the items from one place to another. For companies that have a large-scale supply chain, even saving a little bit on the cost per shipment can result in huge savings in the long run.

If your product packaging is reusable, you will also need less of it as customers will, for instance, be able to refill containers. 

In addition to this, 42% of consumers said that products that have eco-friendly and recyclable packaging are important in their day-to-day shopping. So companies that make the switch will also gain more customer loyalty and, in turn, more revenue. 


4. It is versatile 

While eco-friendly packaging used to consist of product coverings made of paper or cardboard instead of petroleum-based plastic, nowadays, the technology associated with the sustainable-packaging industry has advanced so much that you can now make packaging out of almost any renewable natural resource. 

Plastic-like material can be made of cornstarch, an organic material with plastic-like properties but derived from grains of corn. Another option is mushroom packaging - this unique packaging is made by fusing cleaned and ground agricultural waste with a matrix of mushroom roots, also known as mycelium, this raw material can then be moulded into different shapes and used as packaging. 

Mushroom 'styrofoam' packaging. Image source: @ecovative

Then there’s also seaweed - packaging made from the gelatinous substance ager found in a variety of seaweed and algae is on its way to becoming the next big thing after a team of designers won an award for a packaging prototype made with it. The possibilities are endless!

Spherical seaweed packaging. Image source:


5. It reduces the amount of plastic on our planet

As you know, plastic is extremely harmful to the environment and the amount of plastic being dumped in animals’ natural habitats is increasing every year. According to National Geographic, plastic rubbish in our oceans will triple to 29 million metric tonnes by 2040 without drastic action.

Image source: Unsplash

Plastic can get wrapped around animals necks or feet, resulting in them struggling to breathe or walk. But, in addition to this, ocean plastics can also get broken down into smaller pieces, known as microplastic, by the sun and waves, which can then find it’s way into the food chain for all life forms. And, when plastic does finally degrade, after about 400 years or so, the process releases chemicals that can further contaminate the environment. So, using sustainable eco-friendly packaging for your brand is just the best option for everyone.  


Key Takeaways

When people think about eco-friendly packaging, they often think it is a costly endeavour that will negatively affect their bottom line. In reality, eco-friendly packaging not only saves you money but also reduces your company’s carbon footprint and improves your brand image.. In addition, there are countless options to choose from when it comes to choosing the renewable resources your packaging will be made from, and you'll be reducing the amount of plastic pollution on the planet. It’s a win-win for everyone. 


If you’d like to make the change to sustainable eco-friendly packaging for your brand,
get in touch with us and we’d be happy to discuss the various options available.